A Little Bird Watching
Next month is the Great Backyard Bird Count.
I think someone started a little early. Except instead of hearing her whisper, “one, two, three” I heard, “breakfast, lunch, snack..”
LAST UPDATED: PUBLISHED: By Pam Greer 10 Comments As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Next month is the Great Backyard Bird Count.
I think someone started a little early. Except instead of hearing her whisper, “one, two, three” I heard, “breakfast, lunch, snack..”
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Maxwell, Faraday and Allie says
We missed this one! Bird TV is one of our favorite channels at our house!
a good yarn says
The birdies are quaking on their branches!
Judi says
Glad to see Patchouli out of his man cave and outside bird watching (ahem). We're indoors working on this beautiful day.
shabby girl says
Lol, I thought I could hear that too. How did Patchouli get her name?
Loy Cerf says
Love the snack! Happy Saturday!
a quiet life says
so intently cute~
Pierce says
I didn't know about pet blog hopping. Awesome idea. Your cat has a beautiful coat. Keeping warm with all that long fur!
Esme says
that bird has kitties attention.
here is mine: http://chocolateandcroissants.blogspot.com/2013/01/chocolate-kitties.html
Kat says
So cute!
Big Dude says
Great shots Pam.