I am soooo over summer. I know I come on here every week and complain. I know people in parts of our country are flooded and facing horrific situations and in the grand scheme of things the fact that most of my flowers and trees are struggling to stay alive, is minor.
But still, I put a lot of time, effort and money into these flower beds and I am trying to do everything I can to keep them alive. We have had weeks and weeks without rain, temperatures in the high 90's and 100's. The lawn crunches when you walk on it.
Every morning, I rotate sprinklers every 30 minutes. They are small sprinklers, so they put out a lot of water in a small area. This takes a couple of days to go through all my flower beds and by the time I'm finished, those are the beginning of the loop are wilted and struggling again.
During one of my sprinkler moving sessions, I happened to look up and see Coco kitty watching me. She was perched peeking through the porch rails. Her front paws a little dirty from her garden digging.
And before you ask if I painted my house blue, no I didn't. This is our neighbor's house. Coco has taken a liking to their porch. Perhaps she knows the blue background shows off her colors especially well. Much better than our white house.
For my artsy photo, I used Topaz Labs Plugin.
This week I am linking up with:
Caturday Art |
Selfie Sundays |
Wordless Wedneday |
Thankful Thursday |
Cat Thursday |
Friday Linkies |
Feline Friday |
Brian Frum says
Summer just doesn't want to give up here, it's hot again. Coco sure is a beautiful gal and she does look quite happy on that porch! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Michelle Miller says
Yup, it's the first day of fall and no end to this heat in sight. I feel so bad for you and the constant sprinkler moving. Ugh. I just wish we knew when we're going to get some relief from this!
Great shots of Coco. She's a beautiful girl. <3
Andrea says
Summer seems to be over for us here. The temps have dropped to the 70s and with it came rain. I really love the colors of Coco next to the neighbor's house. Wonderful combination.
Pam Greer says
Oh, those temps sound lovely!
The Dash Kittrn Crew says
Coco looks lovely with the blue toned background! She is a gorgeous cat anyway sooo!
Athena and Marie says
Coco is so lovely. We like blue and it really does set off her colourful furs!
Erin the Cat says
The struggle in our own gardens mirrors natures fight with itself. I do hope all your beloved and nurtured plant children/family make it till when the weather breaks.
We have kept it simple this year with hardy alpines and poppies and tubs, and things have gone well.
Purrs for Coco's delightful selfie, as ever she is stunning.
Pam Greer says
I need to try poppies, I love them, but haven't tried them here.
Ellen Pilch says
I was over summer back in June 🙂 Coco is such a pretty girl.
Memories of Eric and Flynn says
Coco seems to have made herself right at home on the neighbour's porch.
My garden has been a disappointment this year. We had the first heatwave in the spring and although we don't get the extreme temperatures that you do, it was enough to stunt the growth of my bedding plants. They have only now started to fill out and flower well...just in time for the autumn frosts!
My roses flowered well though, but with the heat were over in no time. What the heat didn't get, the storms that followed did. Hopefully next year will be better.
Pam Greer says
Yes, I'm already hoping for a better year next year!