You are going to find so many uses for this lemon infused olive oil. It adds lovely lemon flavor to vinaigrettes, is great tossed on vegetables both before and after roasting and fabulous in marinades! The most useful olive oil in your kitchen!

Infused Olive Oil
I have demonstrated my love for all things infused several times on this blog. I love to infuse alcohol - perhaps you saw my Raspberry Vodka and just last week I made Homemade Maraschino Cherries - which are basically infused cherries!
Infused vinegars are a big favorite of mine and yours, my Mango Vinegar and Blueberry Vinegar are two of the most popular posts on my blog!
But today, I'm here to talk about my other favorite liquid to infuse and that's olive oil. Infused olive oil is the gift that keeps on giving. I always have a jar of this Rosemary Oil in my fridge at all times (old post, have taken new photos, will be updating it this week!)
If you'd asked me last week what was my favorite infused oil, I would have said the rosemary, now I'm not so sure. This lovely lemon olive oil is so versatile and so good!
Ingredients to Make Lemon Olive Oil
This is so crazy easy to make that I had to include the equipment needed in my ingredients photo, otherwise it would just be lemons and olive oil!
Lemons - preferably organic since you are using the zest. Can use oranges instead if you want to make orange oil.
Olive oil - a fruity olive oil that pairs nicely with the lemon.
Vegetable Peeler - you're going to taking off strips of the lemon peel, this OXO Peeler works great.
Small Saucepan.
How to Make Delicious Citrus Olive Oil
This lemon scented olive oil is so easy to make!
Scrub the lemons really well. Using a vegetable peeler, remove the zest in large strips, being careful not get any of the white pitch.
Pour the olive oil into a saucepan and add the lemon peels. Over a medium heat, bring the oil to a simmer, stirring occasionally. As soon as it is reaches a simmer, lower the heat to low and let it simmer for 10 minutes. You don't want the temperature to go above 150 degrees Fahrenheit.
Then turn off the heat and let the oil come to room temperature. Pour the olive oil through a strainer to catch the peels into a sterilized jar.
Store in a lidded jar in the refrigerator, it will keep for about a month.
The lemon olive oil is so good!!! I stay that it will keep for about a month in the fridge, but I had used all of mine within the week! I'll be making another batch soon. I also plan on making an orange olive oil.
You can use this oil in any recipe that calls for olive oil and you'd like a subtle lemon flavor.
Some Recipes to Use Lemon Olive Oil
If you make this Lemon Infused Olive Oil, I would love it if you would tag me on Pinterest | Instagram | Facebook
Lemon Infused Olive Oil
- 2 lemons scrubbed
- 1 cup olive oil
- Scrub the lemons very well. Using a vegetable peeler, cut off large strips of zest, being careful not to get the white pith.
- Place the lemon peels in a saucepan and add the olive oil.
- Bring just to a simmer over medium heat. Turn heat to low and let simmer for 10 minutes.
- Turn off the heat and let the oil come to room temperature.
- Pour into a sterilize jar through a strainer to capture the lemon peels.
- Store in the fridge for up to a month.
Dorine Clapp says
Lemon infused olive oil is great when making shrimp scampi!!
Amy says
Is it that mine turned solid in the fridge?? 😧
Pam Greer says
Yes, when you bring it out, it will turn back to liquid at room temperature.
Arlene Robison says
My peels turned brown..was my heat temperature too high? Are the peels suppose to keep their yellow color? Thank you.
Pam Greer says
Yes, mine stayed yellow.
Renay Gaye says
Thanks for the recipe. I’m going to try it with the lemons from my tree. I love using lemon infused olive oil in my pasta salad.
Kate Turner says
I have a glass top range and had a tough time keeping the temperature below 150º. In fact, I couldn't. And it didn't actually simmer as in tiny bubbles but was definitely very warm the whole time - but up to about 180º. Final result thought is that it's excellent!
Katie says
I’ve never kept oils in the fridge. Is it necessary?
Pam Greer says
It's just being extra cautious. Since oil can create an environment that bacteria can grow in.
Terry H. says
So it's 8pm and I'm wanting popcorn to end my evening before bed. I'm out of "infused OV", lemon to be exact. So I googled "How to make infused 'lemon' olive oil" and came to this place. I'm glad I did bcus i was going to attempt it on my own (thts how much I luv lemon OV on my popcorn!) but now I find out tht "fresh" lemon rind is NOT a good idea to leave in the oil without keeping n fridge. Tht makes me sad but I'm still going to make it and leave it n the fridge. I first discovered "Lemon Infused" EVOO at Aldi's (Priano's" brand. Good stuff!
So thank you for this fantastic recipe for my favorite popcorn topping! I'm about to get busy!!
. . . Infusing! 😉
Pam Greer says
How did it turn out?! Was it good on popcorn?
Sharie609 says
Love this!! Thanks. This is my most used flavored oil but I’m not sure I used a “fruity” one - any brands you recommend? Have you made a garlic one?
I noticed a typo. It’s PITH no pitch. Darn, auto correct right? 😀
Pam Greer says
I usually use the big bottle of oil I get from Costco, but sometimes I find fancy ones at TJ Maxx or Homegoods. Thanks for the info on the typo!
Nicole says
Also was this 150 degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius?
Pam Greer says
Nicole C says
Has anyone experimented with using this recipe as a body oil? I'm looking for a natural body oil.
Chiqui says
I have read in one of your replies that you can put dried lemon peel in the jar for decorative purposes. Can the dried lemon peel be used to infuse the oil as well? How does that compare with fresh zest? Would it have a longer shelf life due to the absence of water in the zest? Thank you so much for the recipe!
Pam Greer says
I don't think the dried lemon peel would infuse as well as the fresh. I might use it if I was infusing a vinegar. However, I am very careful with infused oils and keep them in the fridge.
Teena Martin says
Curious to know why store in the fridge and why it only lasts a month?
Alina says
Quick question: I’d like to make this and other flavors for Christmas gifts this year. Is there anything dangerous about pouring the oil into bottles with fresh zest in there? Do you think that would cause the growth of bacteria? Thank you in advance!
Pam Greer says
I would not recommend putting fresh zest in the olive oil. Anytime you introduce moisture in something like olive oil, you run the risk of bacteria growing. If you have dried lemon zest you could use that.
Rebekah says
Is there something bad that happens above 150? I have a propane stovetop and was letting it simmer on low with a thermometer, but when I did a final stir during the last few minutes, the temp started raising faster so I removed it from the heat and it went from 140 to 155-ish. Just want to make sure if it’s still usable because you didn’t explain why 150 was bad. Thanks for any help 🙂
Pam Greer says
No, nothing bad happens - it's just if you're going to use the olive oil as a flavoring, it's recommended to not heat above 150 or you might lose some of the delicate olive oil flavor.
Mary Hidding says
Can you give us temp for the oil, so we don't overcook?
Pam Greer says
Thank you for asking this. I need to change my directions to make sure no one heats the oil over 150 degrees. You are basically looking for a low simmer.
Patricia Bozeman says
This is a must make recipe! The perfect accompaniment to a bit of white vinegar for a simple summer salad. YUM!
Pam Greer says
I agree!
Jenni LeBaron says
I love infused oils! I regularly cook with garlic infused oil, but this lemon infused oil look absolutely delicious! I bet this is wonderful drizzled over salad, vegetables, and fish!
Pam Greer says
Yes there are so many uses for it!
Dana says
I love love love this idea! I'm always mixing olive oil and lemon juice/zest to make simple dressings, marinades, and drizzles. Having it ready like this would be super convenient. And it's so easy to do!
Pam Greer says
It is sooo convenient!
Tracy says
You know, I haven't use infused oils much at all! I love that you make your own. You've inspired me! I can't wait to try this. I agree though, tough call between the rosemary and the lemon!!
Pam Greer says
You need to make some! They are hardly any work and add so much flavor!
Marjie says
Citrus fruits add brightness to everything! I'm currently loaded down with limes, but I'll bet those would be a good alternative to the lemons.
Pam Greer says
They would work perfectly!
Sandra Shaffer says
Wonderful and so easy to make myself! This is giving me ideas for holiday gifts ( brain is already going there!). Salad dressing with this infused oil would be delicious!
Pam Greer says
Mine has already gone there too!
Ann says
It has such a lovely fragrance and colour.
Gloria says
I absolutely LOVE infused oils. In fact, I have several in my cupboard right now. I love visiting those little oil shops. It's like a kid in the candy store. Now I can try making this at home. BONUS!!
Pam Greer says
Me too!! Infused oils are the best, especially when you make them at home!
Sapana says
I've always wanted to make infused olive oil and this lemon one looks like the perfect place to start. Thanks for the detailed instructions, can't wait to try it out!
Pam Greer says
You'll have to let me know what you think!
Jennifer Quisenberry says
OMG! Thank you so much for this! I was just in San Diego recently and attended an olive oil tasting where naturally, my favorite infused oil was lemon. It was divine! I was wondering how to do this myself, and now I've got this bookmarked. And you're right, it would be so delicious as a dressing or on chicken or veggies!
Pam Greer says
Oh I bet an olive oil tasting was soooo fun! Now, you can make your own!
Shivani Raja says
Okay this sounds AMAZING. I’ve only ever tried chilli infused olive oil but I’m crazy about that, so I’m sure that me and this lemon version would be pretty great friends 🙂
Pam Greer says
You have to try it, it's so good!
Great post. Love infused olive oils and it's so much better to make them at home versus the store-bought!
Pam Greer says
Yes, they are so much better when home made!
Natalie says
Such a great guide! I never thought of infusing flavors into olive oil - sounds amazing!
Pam Greer says
It is sooo good!
Kelly Radtke says
I have not made the lemon oil yet but I can honestly say that orange infused olive oil makes outstanding brownies or chocolate cakes. I think this lemon would be wonderful in recipes where strawberry is present as well.