Tribute to Scrappycat
When you have a 20 year old cat, you know that you are going to have to write the “goodbye” post.
What can I say about her. She was my cat. Oh she tolerated the other members of the family, but she was mine. She was usually the first thing I saw in the morning when I opened my eyes, and the last thing before I closed them to sleep at night.
She supervised my sewing, my blogging, my cooking, my gardening, my reading. There is not a moment of my daily life that Scrappycat did not take part in.
I can’t even begin to tell you what a special cat she was. We’ve had lots of cats, and will probably have many more, but there will never be another like Scraps. She ruled our entire house with a firm, but gentle paw. If another cat was hurt, she rushed to be next to them, meowing in empathy. If the humans in the house were fighting or yelling, she was right between them, slapping at their legs to get them to stop.
I am a better person for having loved and been loved by Scrappycat.
si says
just saw this. so sorry for your loss (and ours). we'll all miss scrappy cat!
Jan @twoscoopz says
awww hon ... I am so sorry for the loss of your friend.
She is beautiful.
Traaen says
I read your blog sometimes,and always find it interesting and well written, definately will be making that red wine vinagarette !! Your tribute to Scrappycat was really touching. What a fine cat..
Carolyn H says
RIP SCrappycat 🙁
grace says
what a tragedy, pam--i'm so sorry. i'm glad you had so many enjoyable years with that adorable creature.
Kirsten Lindquist says
Our feline friends are such wondrous creatures and every day with them is such a joy and blessing. So sorry for your loss of Scrappycat and thanks for sharing with us.
Wearinbeads says
Oh Pam, I am so sorry. You gave her a wonderful life. I understand some of them are dearer than other, and I ache for your loss. I have photos of my cats with my Viking #1, too.
Kashim Othello and Salome says
Pam we are so sorry to learn about your loss!
She was such a precious ladycat. We are sending rumbling purrs and hugs to you!
Deb in Hawaii says
I am so sorry about Scrappycat but happy she had such a wonderful life loving and being so loved. She will be missed Max and I send big hugs and purrs to you Pam.
Joy says
Very nice. Sorry she's gone.
Julie says
So sorry to hear about Scrappycat...looks like she lived an amazing 20 years. I know she'll be missed.
Sandy aka Doris the Great says
RIP Scrapycat! (We had to say goodbye to Tolouse in November; it's so hard.)
Mary says
It's really hard to say goodbye to a much loved pet. I'm sending hugs and blessings your way.
Anonymous says
So sorry for losing Scrapycat..the loss of a beloved pet is to me even more grief sometimes than losing a human being, they are there with a person it seems all the time no judgments, tons of love and sweet purrs and loves..then when they cross the rainbow bridge it is heartbreaking, but think of this way she gave you love and you gave her love and affection, it enhanced her life and enhanced yours, what a wonderful feline and human connection..prayers for you and Scrappycat..from a big feline and canine lover...
Corinnea says
I'm sorry. It's been a year since I had to say goodbye to my Evie. I miss her still.
wyo says
What a beautiful eulogy! (((HUGS))) Very sorry for your loss but very happy that you and Scrappycat had each other for so long.
Beth says
I'm sooooo sorry, Pam. You've brought tears to my eyes b/c our pets are very much our family. Thinking of you.
Esme says
Pam I am so sorry to hear about Miss Scrappycat. She was a beauty and I know that nothing can be said to make you feel better. She sounds like she gave you some wonderful memories.
Judi says
I am so sorry to hear about Scraps. Even when we think we are prepared, it is still hard to lose such a devoted friend. Thinking of you.
Tatersmama says
Oh I'm so sorry to hear about Scrappycat, and I'll keep you in my prayers.
R.I.P. sweet baby...
Reeni says
Oh beautiful Scrappycat - I'm crying my eyes out! What a sweet girl - her personality reminds me of Moon. Sending you a giant *HUG*!
KarenP says
Thank you for sharing the lovely pictures of Scrappycat today. Take care.
Catsparella says
I am so sorry to hear about Scrappycat. She seemed like such a sweet, beautiful, and well loved kitty. Sending out purrs and love to you and your family during this sad time.
Chris says
God speed Scrappycat.
Marjie says
Oh, Pam, I'm so sorry. I walk downstairs every morning with trepidation, and my heart leaps with joy when Thor greets me. I am so sorry; Scrappycat, you had many invisible friends and fans, and we will miss you.
Lee says
Very sorry to learn of Scrappycat's passing. Sounds like she had a wonderful, long life with you and your family.
She will not be forgotten.
chellebelle says
Oh Pam.. I am so very, very sorry. My eyes tear with you, my heart aches with you and my prayers are with you.
girlichef says
Oh Pam, I'm so sorry for your loss. She was a beauty 🙂
Psychgrad says
I'm so sorry to hear about Scrappycat.
mr. pineapple man says
why can't cats and dogs live til 100?
Barbara says
Oh Pam. That makes me so sad. I'm sorry you've lost Scrappycat. I've loved your photos of her and today we can look at some of those and smile in remembrance. Nobody will miss her as much as you...I know what it's like when you say it's YOUR cat. She was a special girl.
All Our Fingers in the Pie says
This brought tears to my eyes. Scrappy was so special. I dread the day that I must go through this, too.
Debbie Cook says
I'm so sorry Pam.
Katnip Lounge says
I want to say how sorry I am for your loss. You were surely blessed to have 20 wonderful years with Scrappycat, it makes her passing that much harder. I'll send a prayer your way.
tale of many cities says
aww hun, i am so very sorry. my eyes are filled with tears & my heart is aching for you. i know there are no words that can make you feel any better.. but want you to know that i am thinking of you, and know exactly what you're going through.
shabby girl says
What a beautiful kitty, Pam! Just because we know it'll come eventually, doesn't make it any easier. A great big hug to you!
Kala says
I am so sorry Pam. She was a beautiful cat and her memories will be with you forever:)
Anonymous says
i am so sorry, my boy cat is 18 years old and we thought we were losing him last month, only for him to find another life, he was our honeymoon baby...i will be thinking about your beautiful scrappycat...
Joan's Good Life says
Pam I'm so sorry for your loss. Hang in there.
La Table De Nana says
Sorry for you~
Joanne says
Oh Pam I'm so sorry! My thoughts are with you guys! Scrappycat sounds like an absolute doll.
Sassy Lassies Vintage Life says
Sending lots of love to you. I have had to say goodbye to far too many animals and it never gets easy. My thoughts are with you.
April in CT says
Scrappycat was a gorgeous girl, inside and out. I'm so very sorry for your loss.
Amy says
We're dog people over here, but I get it, Pam. I totally totally get it. I am so sorry. No matter how old, it never makes it easier. *sob* (((hugs)))
Bridget says
I'm so sorry to read this. But I know how you feel, having had the same thing happen to me a few months ago.
God bless Scrappycat. I know I was always happy to see her. And I'm glad she had a lovely long life with you.
Big Dude says
It's always so sad to have a dear friend pass on. With our Sweetie Pie, I know exactly how you felt about her.
KarenV says
I'm so sorry for your loss. Scrappycat was a beautiful kitty.
My Carolina Kitchen says
Tears are running down my face as I write this Pam. My only children were four-legged ones and I cried until I could cry no more when they died. I talked to them like people and they were our best friends. In fact it hurt so much when the last collie died that we haven't replaced her.
I will remember your sentence where you said you were a better person for having known Scrappycat. That is so, so true. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
Melynda says
Pam, so many of the photos of Scrappycat are replicas of my own little guy. When you take on the responsibility of being the cats caretaker (they are not really your cat, you belong to them, you are their human) you also hand off a bit of your heart as proof of the deal. Tough days, any day like today. Take care, and good by "Scraps".
June says
So sorry for your loss Pam. She was a beautiful faithful little furry friend. Betcha' she's up there guarding your angel wings for you and playing with the feathers. I'm sending hugs your way.
Louise says
Oh! Poor thing, I'll miss her. 🙁
Kyle says
Aw Pam, I will miss Scrappycat too.
once in a blue moon says
pam my heart goes out to you... what a beautiful tribute... such a special kitty, i know the feeling well, 20 years and they are just a part of our soul... its never easy saying good bye, but what a joy that you got to say hello for long.
Kat says
Oh, Pam, I am sorry. I will miss her too! What a lovely tribute to Scraps. Twenty years is a long life for a cat.
Tins and Treasures says
Oh, my dear Pam,
My heart is breaking for you. Your Scrappycat was so special...taking part in your every project. I'm remembering the picture of your sweet kitty curled up on your arm when you napped on the couch...And I love all the pictures you shared today. You have wonderful memories of her faithfulness. We will all keep you in our thoughts.
Take care ~Natalie
Julie says
So hard to lose a pet. She was such a cute one!
Lea Ann says
ohnoooooooooooo! I am so sorry Pam. I've had cats all my life and do have that special cat like Scrappy. He lived to be 16. I'll never forget him and so many of the endearing things that he did that are still so fresh in my memory. Just remember, she loved you more than anything!
Marsha says
I am so sorry to hear this but you will see her again on the Rainbow Bridge...I bet she is playing with my Fanga girl right now....Fanga crossed over last summer...My heart still aches for her..
teresa-bug says
I am SO sorry to hear about your sweet kitty. No time is enough time, is it? I will miss the photos of Scrappycat on Saturdays.
CC11 says
I am without words for you as words can offer no comfort for the loss of a loved one. I believe that you were not only lucky to have known Scraps for 20 years, but that she was even luckier to have spent an amazing 20 years with you. I send my love.
Jane says
I'm so sorry to hear about lovely Scrappycat, she was so beautiful. My thoughts as another owner of a veteran cat are with you. xx
Bella Rum says
It's sad to lose a pet. They add so much to our lives. Scrappycat was a beautiful gal. I know you'll miss her.