The Weeds are Winning!
How can it be? Spring has only been here a month and already the weeds are winning! They are everywhere! Luckily I have Patchouli kitty to come out and help me weed. Since she is such a fraidy-cat, she feels way more comfortable when I am outside with her to chase away the other mean kitties.
Our purple flowers, some sort of wildflower are finishing up their blooming. They have run quite rampant over our yard, luckily for them, I think they are really pretty.
Eye Problems
You might remember my eye problem that I was having and still am having. Since the beginning of February, my left eye has been blurry and extremely dry. I went back to see the eye doctor yesterday and he is not sure what is going on.
I have funny looking nerves that point towards glaucoma, but I've always had them, and apparently I don't have the pressure problems that go along with it. He tossed around terms like glaucoma and Graves disease! Which, after much googling, I'm not too thrilled with.
When I told him that my eye hurts a lot in the morning, he checked and noticed that it was bulging a bit. I have thyroid issues, so he said to tell my doctor about that. He also recommended that I use an eye gel at night.
Peonies are Blooming!
On a brighter note, the peonies are blooming! I'd show you a photo, but they are still on my camera. This season is so fleeting and for a couple of weeks, I cut them and bring them in the house so I can enjoy them even more. I fill each room with them, and as you walk through the house, their scent is so soothing.
Well, I've rambled on enough, don't you think?
My artsy photo of Patchouli was edited with Topaz Labs.
Feline Opines says
Our Female Hum,an HATES weeds! We love to sit at the window and listen to her mutter as she yanks those nasty things out of the ground. Here in the Inland Northwest we have weeds called horsetails in the woodsy areas and those things are nasty. We think The Female Human needs to learn a little bit of feline patience and serenity.
Purrs & Head Bonks,
Tucker & The Tribe of Five
Memories of Eric and Flynn says
Patchouli is beautiful, and the artsy effect is lovely. I hope your eye soon improves with the gel.
Madison says
Those eye problems sound quite frustrating. Around here nothing was green, no buds or flowers, but the weeds were coming up. Go figure!
Brian Frum says
Patchouli is such a pretty gal and those furs sure are gorgeous. I hope your eye problems go away, that's no fun at all. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
The Dash Kitten Crew says
Patchouli looks amazing and gorgeous as always. I am working hard on getting my pictures better AND booked a learn your DSLR course for May wooHOO
Did you know there is a single ad repeating through your content. It looks really ugly (sorry)
Pam Greer says
I'm so sorry you were seeing a single ugly ad! The ad choices change each time you look at it. When I look, I see different ads.
ERin the cat says
Patchouli is such a photogenic lady, and in the garden it seems, maybe more than with the others, that she has a harmony with your plants. So quick are the seasons and the parts within, I think we have to grasp them when we can and bring the good into our lives.
Purrs for a warm and happy bloom filled week ahead
Michelle Miller says
I hope they can figure out what's going on with your eye. I didn't know thyroid could cause eye problems. I have hypothyroidism (Hashimoto's), but have not had any eye problems. Well, not anything from the norm. I've always had eye issues in some shape or form, but nothing really serious, or mind boggling to doctors.
Patchouli is looking very pretty for spring. Love the purple flowers. Kind of nice that they just grow and are still so beautiful.
Mary (cactus catz) says
The flowers look very pretty. I am sorry about your eye. I hope the gel works and the bulging goes down.
Athena says
Sorry to hear about your eye problems.
Your photos are stunning as always!
The weeds are growing too fast here as well.
Catscue Catmom says
What a beautiful cat and a beautiful garden, can't wait to see the peonies! Purrs and prayers for your eye issues.
Peaches and Paprika says
I love seeing your beautiful outdoor pictures, especially with Topaz. Re your eye, there are some eye groups on line which are very helpful in discussing just about any known eye issues. I will try to find one for you or you can google. Once you join and post questions, people with some experience in same will answer.
Pam Greer says
Oh thank you, I will check that out!
Ellen Pilch says
I thought the title was wedding with Patchouli like she was getting married 🙂 She is a pretty kitty. I am sorry about your eye troubles, that sounds very uncomfortable.